This Girl Runs On Jesus And Horse Sunset Cross T Shirt

In a This Girl Runs On Jesus And Horse Sunset Cross T Shirt senselessand terrible terrible moment the interview that you just saw the portion of the interview was first recorded here in New York at the NBC studios during April 1975and to this day the John Lennon show as it is called the tomorrow series is still one of the most often requested programs for repeat purposesand were going to run the entire interview tonight not because it’s a terrific interview or its terribly entertaining or enlightening it is after all five years old but curiously it turns out that possibly this interview was the last television interview that John Lennon ever did it contains no historic information nothing terribly new but after all it is a little bit of stuffand substance of a man who was part of a change of revolution if you willand popular music back during the 1960sand during the 1970s Jonathan found an old lifestyle for himself which he will discuss during this interview a bit later on we have Lisa Robinson who did one of the last interviews with John Lennon which will appear in the New York Times. SO WE FOUND THAT THOUGHT THAT WAS REALLY INTERESTING NEXT IS BUSTED THE 11 COVE ED ASSUMPTIONS BASED ON FEAR AND NOT FACT THEN TRUMP RELEASES THEM GUIDANCE FOR REOPENING SCHOOLS AND THEN THE LAST TIME WE HAVE IS WITHOUT A DOUBT HYDROCHLORIC WHEN I’M BASICALLY PROTOCOLS HELP ME IN THIS. Lancaster was watching all of this from above we then follow him inside the castleand down one of the hallways he enters his own chamberand closes the door behind him we see him begin to write a letter but we don’t know who he is writing that letter to in the final scene of the episode we see a small boy working outside in the snow with his father after watching them for a few moments the boy suddenly stops the father will ask him what’s wrong the boy will motion to the nearby forest it’s getting very dark outside so we don’t notice anything at first but then we begin to see blue eyes staring back at us before we know it there are hundreds of blue eyes moving through the woods the father tells the Sun run inside until the others a horn begins to blow as hundreds of whites begin to run straight for the father standing outside little met number who is followed by several soldiers begin to rush outside to defend the castle as hundreds of soldiers begin to rush outside the sound of a dragon begins to drown out the sound of the horns that were blowing one of the soldiers tries to get number to run back inside but it’s already too late thousands of whites led by white walkersand Giants are now just a few feet away thenand I King appears to the clouds adversary on begins unleashing his blue flame on the castle chaos erupts in every man womanand child begin to get butchered simultaneously the Seri Owens blue flame delivers a devastating blow that completely destroys the numbers in such strong numbers personal guard is butchered within seconds leaving him all alone on the field one of the white walkers approaches himand with one swift move he pierces his heart with the ice sword number falls as we see the making landing is Dragon we can now see there are almost 100 white walkers walking across the bloodsoaked battlefield every man womanand child lay slain at their feet we get a close up of the making as he raises his arms in the episodes goodand with us knowing what’s about to happen next the opening scene of the second episode will begin in the north I winter fell diverse get injuryand the remaining forces arrive at the main gate they agreed to stay behind what the ship so they can unload all the Dragon glass from Dragon Stone then escorted the winter fell they have about a dozen big wagons filled with Dragon glass most of the wagons are full of black obsidian but we can also see there is a wagon full of greenand red Dragon glass once again we can see ariaand Breanne outside training in the courtyard as the wagons are arriving at the main gate they are interrupted as all the wagons are being brought inside to the center of the courtyard this is one ariaand Gundry will notice each other from across the yard neither one of them can believe what they’re seeing because they never thought they would actually see each other again ariaand Gundry meet in the middle of the courtyard where they embrace each other for several moments with a big smile on her face aria says I cannot believe you’re here I did not trust that red which I thought she was taken you way to martyr youand Gundry says she wanted to sacrifice me this is when Gundry looks over at dominoes who is helping unload the wagons of Dragon glassand says I would not be alive if it were not for him then Gundry says thanks to the red woman I found out why the gold cloaks want to be so bad I am rubber breath he is best at son that’s why the gold cloaks wanted meand that’s why the red woman wanted me I have King’s blood aria looks down for a few momentsand then she says you know I wanted to kill the red which taken your way used to recite her name every night before I would fall asleep Gundry smiles than aria says if I ever see Millis under again before she could finish her sentence devastates her off as he walks overand says I will killer myself this will be a nice segue right into my next scene in the Lantus we see there is a large group of followers gathered right outside the rentable floor mullah Sondra can Varaand several other high ranking members are standing at the top of the steps overlooking the crowd this is when Millis under will say there is a darkness falling over West Roseand soon he could cover us all the Laura White has brought all of us here for one purposeand one purpose only to end the darkness can Vara walks forwardand says Millis under has already brought iceand fire together I believe the nurse tore Garyand is the one who will lead us through this darkness but Millis Andra says there is another then Millis Andra says I have already seen it in the flames whenever I look for the answers from our Lord of light all I can see a snow dinner star Gary has her own part of the play by John Snow will be the one who defeats the making can Vara says Prince or Princess it doesn’t matter mullah Sondra’s right the great other is here to bring the darkness to us all we must go to West Rose to help them all of us in the next scene we will go Castle black where we will see the aftermath of the attack from the Army of the dead Castle black is now in ruins but there are some survivors from that attack more commander added as well as 95 of the remaining members of the Knights watch her dad back on Darianand a few others are still alive we will see buried on Darian begin to burn all the whites with his flaming sword baritone Darian will then say he has to ride south right away he also says he made a promise to someone that he would see them again he has yet to surface final purpose if you remember at the end of season seven Barrick did say to another character they would meet again so we shall see now let’s go to another scene backand want to fill Brian Stark is sitting alone in the gods would next to the where witchery we can see that his hands are gripping the chair as his eyes are fluttering backand forth in his head then we will be thrust into a series of visions Brian Stark is having we see Jamie Lancaster taken office helmet during the first time we saw him arriving at winter fell we see net start statue in the Crips of one or fell we seeand hear the mad King sand bar in the mall we see the special wildfire underneath King’s Landing we see blue Dragon fire burning a castle that’s covered in snow we can see a bed covered in blood we see Brian Stark falling from the broken tower we see smoke rising from winter fell we see Millis Andra looking into the flames we see a black silhouette of someone standing on a battlefield holding a burning sort of their hand we can hear the sound of a baby crying inside of a tower then brain will see himself standing face to face with the makingand this immediately throws him out of the vision as we get closer to the endand then I can gets closer to one or fell their connectionand their powers will continue to grow strongerand stronger when Brian Stark looks up we see he is surrounded by John Devereaux’s the narrow signs of an aria they all want to know what brain has seen brand says everything I can see everything at first it was all fragments make it very hard to decipher what was past present or even future events now he knows brand says Castle black is gone along with its men the last hearth is gone along with all the numbers men then brain says I saw the making he knows were all here he will be here soon John tells everyone to meet him in the main hall brand grabs John by his arm right as he’s about to walk away brand says we need to speak soon it’s finally time you know the truth this gets the attention of the nurse in sans a are both wondering what brand meant by that everyone of importance is gathered inside the main hall winter fell John Snow informs every one of the recent attacks in the North by the making everyone in the room was silent John says Circe Lancaster has yet to send us any additional soldiers to fight the Army the dead with her without her they have to prepare for what’s to come they will need to reinforce all the walls of the castle they will needand I’ll Dragon glass weapons to every man womanand child I wonder fell John says the castle should not fall my father always said 500 men could hold winter fell against 10 000 if the castle should fall there are secret passageways below the ground that could help them escape from the north but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that then John holds up long call for everyone to see he says this sort is made of Valerian steel I have already defeated several white walkers with this sort they have control over the Army the deadand I King has control over them if we can take up the white walkers in the making we might be able to defeat the entire army I will go for as many white walkers as I can with long call but I’m gonna need your help this is one aria in Briand will stand up at the same time they both mentioned they also have Valerian steel weaponsand they will stand by John to help them defeat the white walkers in the making similarly stands up as well he informs John about his father sword heart Spain Sam also says he has been reading some of the old books I got from The Citadel he says he may have found some information that may be of interest Thierry Lancaster will shift in his seat he looks the same Owen says I would like to see those books as well as everyone begins to leave all the nurse tells John she would like to speak with him alone sans looks at the nurse suspiciously as does Thierry Lancaster Jonathan Erisman walk atop the castle overlooking the battlements the nurse wants to know when John’s good tell everyone about the relationship John doesn’t think that’s a good idea right now considering how many of the northern lordsand ladies still do not trust the nurse he doesn’t need anyone to lose focus or abandon their cause right before the Army the dead arrive they should wait until after the battle was over we can afford to lose anyone right now doesn’t like Circe sending us any of her soldiers we already lost the Knights watch in the numbers let’s discuss this again after the battle rages John begins walk away the nurse says wait there’s one more thing I spoke to Mr last night I told him I haven’t been feeling very well latelyand he decided to examine me to see what the issue could be John looks nervous he says is everything okay what’s the matter after a long silence the nurse says John I’m pregnant now let’s go to another scene Jamieand brought arrive at the twins the castle looks nearly abandoned now Jimmy says someone infiltrated their Castle killed Walter Frei in almost every other loyal man towels Friday brought notices that no one is guarding their bridge Jamie says if only Rob Stark would’ve found their bridge this way he will still be aliveand I would most likely be dead Bron slaps Jamie on the shoulderand says that only dreams came true when Jamieand Bron reached the castle doors they are greeted by several of the Frei daughters who are now in charge of the twins Jamie says we are now heading northand he needs to gather any soldiers or men that they have available there is a storm coming down from the walland everyone will die unless they follow him nor one of the Frei girl says queen Circe did not inform us of this why did we not receive a Raven Jamie says she sent me instead speaking associate minister we go back to King’s Landing in the next scene Circe Chi barnand the mountain are walking around the walls the right key Chi barn has men bring up the stashes a wildfire to place at each gate that enters the city along with many other locations no one will enter through any of the city gates without getting burned alive we can also see they are strategically setting up large blisters all around the city King’s Landing will not fall as easily as it did during season eight Circe says the nurse target areaand may have the larger army right now but we shall see how large that army years after the dead get there with them Circe vowels that the nurse will never step foot inside the red keep while she is still alive Circe also says even if we lose we have seen what fire does to the Army of the dead with the amount a wildfire we have I’m not concerned with anyone or anything taking over the city while I’m here now that I have the iron banks full support I may have one other surprise for our Dragon Queen the next scene takes place in the middle of the night feeling great joy in his small team a man land their boats on the shore the islandsand make their way up to the castle fee on his open sister you are is being kept captive their he wants to for your before your own eventually has or killed but to their surprise the iron islands are completely abandoned there is even anyone there guarding the castle Huron has taken every able bodied a fight with himand those who cannot fight were put to the blade you are is not there feelings were sphere has come true you’re a storm the silenceand in order to set her free feels you have to board that we could ship now let’s go to the next he this time we go to Dragon stone we can see Huron’s entire fleet is scattered around the island now that the nurse is taking all of her men north your own’s men along with the golden company were able to easily secure the castle for Circe Lancaster on board the silence we go down below we can see are a great joy she’s covered in bloodand looks like most of her hair’s been chopped off your own great joy enters the cabinand he begins laughing like a maniac right your space he informed sure that she’s not to make it off the ship aliveand he assures her that peons never to have the balls try to get her backand even if he did he’s gonna hang both of them from the front of the silence then he leans downand whispers tell me my sweet niece who is your king your doesn’t say a word but she does not break eye contact for a few moments it silent then your own begins laughing like a maniac againand you throw something that bounces off the artist face we soon find out why you’re hasn’t said a word Huron has Señora with her own tongue which he had chopped off almost immediately after her capture now we go back to one or fell were John the nurse brand Santeriaand in the May stirrer or looking over everything he took from The Citadel the when they can find out some more information about how to defeat the Nike Sam says he has several booksand scrolls about the long night the white walkersand the children of the forestand many others the only problem is he’s having trouble making sense of it all brand Stark says show me what you found then perhaps I can go backand have a look for myself Thierry Lancaster grabs one of the books that is already open this one has legends about the long nightand he begins to read aloud it has information about a legendary figure notices or a high who carried a burning sword called white bringer Thierryand looks over at Jonathan Arison says this reminds me of what Bella Sondra said to us on Dragon stone Milla Sondra said the prince who was promised will bring the dawn Sandy believes it could mean the prince or princess who will bring the dawn this is or a high figure sounds like a man brand Stark says old man used to tell me bedtime stories about a last hero who would lead the fight against the dead then the May Stark upsetand says well what do you suppose we find such a man with a magical burning sword Sam immediately looks over at John John says long calls Valerian steel but does not burn John looks over to Brandonand says we think this could mean brand says I need to go to the gods would in the final scene of the episode we will see a massive storm begin to roll in from the north everyone in the area begins to go indoors the location of the castle is revealed when we see the car Stark banners hanging by the main gate police car Stark is inside with a few of her household guards she sitting by the fire reading some of the messages the ravens brought in for the day she says word has arrived from winter fell castle black in the last horse no longer stand the mikingand the Army of the dead may be on the way to winter fell next they inform us that we should all get the winter fell as soon as we can they say we should prepare for the worst before she could finish telling Herman about the news from winter fell a sudden screamand the sound of a horn begin to echo through the castle police car Stark runs over to the window to have a look outside to see were the screen came from to her surprise she cannot see anything now it’s a complete white out from the storm then all of a sudden a thunderous screen comes from the clouds above the mikingand this area on suddenly appear through the storm the episodeand ends as a blue flame can be seen lighting up the night sky we now know house car Stark will also be added to the Army of the debt this episode will begin with us getting a glimpse of the aftermath of that attack there is smoke rising from a mound of stone which is where the castle once stood we can see that there are acresand acres of snow covered land soaked in blood there is also remnants of northern uniforms all over the ground as well as broken weapons this looks like your typical battlefield the only differences there are no dead bodies we know the miking has risen them all to fight in his armyand the most likely heading to winter fell which is where we will have our next scene back in winter fell we will see hundreds of northern man preparing the Starks Castle for the coming storm outside of the main gate of the castle we will see that make entrenches that appear to be a moat just like in season eight I want to enclose the castle in a ring of fire that will prevent the dead from entering winter fell I actually talked about this ideaand one of my videos before the final season came out were also can see hundreds of archers on standby all along the top of the wall of the castle all of their arrows are made of Dragon glass there is also to be barrels of these arrows all along the top of the castle walls as well down in the courtyard there are thousands of spears made up of Dragon glass to however great worm spear will look slightly different than the rest is will be made with the red Dragon glass were also good to see that Guidry has made himself a new hammer out of Dragon glassand there will be different spikes coming off the hammer each of the spikes will be made up of different color Dragon glass one black one redand one green John sans of ariaand ghost are walking around the courtyard overlooking all the work getting done to their home aria mentions how she came across nine Marriott 10 way to winter fell Orientals John I did want to come home with me but deep down I knew that she was meant to be free she hopes that one day she’s gonna be able to see her again as John looks over at ghost you can see that he is a sad look on his face realizing that ghost is the only dire Wolf left in the far north John talks about the day they were foundand how he told Ned they were meant to have them he also says as long as they’re alive there always can have a connection to one another no matter how much distances in between them this brings a smile Darius faceand John says even at times when himand ghost were separated he would always have a sense that he was still with themand aria says I have also felt that with my Marriott they are interrupted when one of the guards at the main gate begins to shout that a writer is approaching the castle baritone Darian has arrived from castle black berry looks like he’s about to collapse as John tells the guards opened the gateand allow him inside as soon as aria recognizes who it is she draws out her dagger Ari lets Barrick know right away that he is not welcomeand John looks somewhat confused aria says Barrick sold Gendron to Milla Sondra knowing full well that the right which wanted to sacrifice them baritone Darian will say kill me if you must but I’m here to play my part in the great war then Barrick looks at Johnand says the makingand the Army the dead will be here tonight the next scene is in King’s Landing begins with your own great joy greetings Ursula Elaine Mr Huron says I have completed every mission you have set upon me I have traveled the seas conquered your enemiesand even brought you the golden company Circe says you haven’t defeated all of my enemies but maybe this time you are rewarded your own smiles then the commander of the golden company greet Circe he talks about how good it feels to be in west ropes Circe reminds them not to get too comfortable they still have a war to win Gary Stricklandand wishes to speak to whoever commands Circe when Esther soldiers he wants to discuss their strategy Circe informs them that she is in the process of finding someone she can trust you can come in her latest are man or former commanderand brother has left the city for good she says he went to go join a straighter brother the best in the northand the foreign war with the dragons Circe then says about it doesn’t matter now I have everything I need right here Huron has a very big smile come across his face even though Circe wasn’t just talking about him we also see Circe notice the look on her Strickland’s face as the dragons were mentioned she can tell always very nervous about the dragons so Circe says what’s wrong are you afraid of dragons Terry says he wasn’t entirely sure they were even real resort about them for quite some time yet he has never seen them for himself afterwords you’re on gradually wishes to speak with Circe alone the scene ends a Circe says as you wish back in winter fell brand John Dinero Sam Terrienand the maced or are shown in the guards what Jerry Lancaster says there must be someone or something that has a connection to all the different legends about the long night as we saw the last episode the book about the long night talks of his or a high villa Sondra talks about the Prince was promised an old man used to speak of the last hero during her bedtime storiesand all these different stories it is said that these legendary figures I face the darknessand one Sam looks over at Brandonand says we need you to go backand see if there’s anything you can tell us about this man who was he held that he defeat the white walkers we need answers brand start will take a deep breath that his eyes will roll back in his head he’s about to see another series of visions sums can take place in the past some in the presentand even the future this time the very first thing he sees a black silhouette standing alone on a battlefield holding a burning red sword it’s very similar to his last vision of the shadowy figure only this time the man is standing face to face with an aching then Brendel see the same battlefield but now no one is thereand all the snow is gone brand Stark is walking across that battlefield that he sees a man face down in the water he can also see there are some red ruby scattered all across the water then he begins to see a crowd of people cheering there is a man mounted on a horseand he leans down in hand something to a girl who looks a lot like assessor aria then brain is at the wall there is a lot of blood covering the snow when brand looks into the blood he can see blue rose petals scattered throughout it soaking up the blood now brand is back at the tower of joy but this time he can see Leona is sitting up in the bed talking to a man with hair so blonde that it almost looks over brain knows its regularand he could hear him say our son has a songand it is the song of iceand fire Brandon sees a woman dressed in red with Harry’s right is a bleeding star it appears as if this woman is talking to someone brain can’t quite make out the man’s face it sounds like John’s voice but all he can see is a black silhouette with smoke rising from the sword then all of a sudden brain is back on the battlefield that is now covered in snow once again brain can see the figure that looks like a black silhouette with a burning sword clenched in his fist this time he standing face to face with the 19 right is brand sees the making take a step forward the black shadowy figure swings his sword as fast as lightning strikes when brand opens his eyes we can see that he is completely covered in sweat was steam coming off his body everyone else that’s in the guards what are silently staring at Brandon anxiously awaiting to find out what you seen Thierryand says are the legends real after a few moments of silence Sam says do you know what we need to do defeat that I King after a few more moments of silence brand finally says yes now it all makes sense I finally understand what the three a Raven was trying to show me Sam says what what is it the scene ends is brand looks over at John back in King’s Landing Circe’s amounts in your own great joy enter her private chambers Huron immediately says he wants the mountain to leave so they can speak alone Circe says don’t worry he won’t say a thing you’re on begins by telling Circe it’s time that he gets what is owed which we all know he wants Circe yourself you’re on then start bragging about how is a better man than Jamieand how Jamie will never become a back to Kings Landing unless his head is on a spike Circe does agree but she continues to play hard to get however Huron does eventually get Circe to start to soften up a bit Circe knows exactly what you’re on once but she tells them she’s already pregnant with Jamie’s child inside of her Huron says he doesn’t care she’s pregnant he says always ever wanted was to marry the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms which is why is here he’s a king who deserves to have a queen at his side they should rule Westerners togetherand he also says he’s never gonna betray her or abandon herand a time of need Circe does enjoy the attention she’s getting from him but she isn’t quite ready to just hand over the keys to her kingdom she does however assure him that he will get everything he wants in due time Circe then motions for the mountain to step outside Circe closes the door behind him then take Huron by the handand walks them over to the bad in the next scene we go back to winter fell were received John push in brand across the courtyard brand says it’s time that himand John go speak alone they begin to make their way to the cups of water fell but then they notice some of the guards shouting down from atop the castle wall one of the guards yells to Johnand says there are more riders approaching the main gate this time there are hundredsand maybe even thousands once again Branson have to wait to talk to John before John could even ask is approaching some of the guards begin to pick up their weaponsand drawback their boats he can hear everyone shouting this sends everyone in the courtyard into a frenzy then we begin to hear some of the guards shouting the word King slayer with many other curse words to follow Jamie Braunand the soldiers they were able to gather has finally arrived they were able to find roughly 1000 men who were still scattered throughout the river lands Jerryand does seem to be surprise the Jamie’s in winter fell not wearing the Lancaster colors he also notices none of the men with them are from the latest Army something has obviously gone wrong Jamieand Bronner greeted was zero courtesy sans wants to know what the hell is happening wise Jamie here was soldiers from house spray the Northerners are very angry some of which you are still shouting King slayer the North remembers etc

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That more than 2000 missing children reports are filed each day and many of them can be found when parents provide specific details about their physical appearance and a This Girl Runs On Jesus And Horse Sunset Cross T Shirt photo of their face did you know that a child in America is most likely to be traffic then to get covert yeah we I’m sure we know that by now so do you realize that by requiring children over the age of two to wear a mask you are making child abduction and human trafficking so much easier on the offender and is a little excerpt about a little Elizabeth Smart girl I show you a picture with where Jesus got Elizabeth Smart was inducted for nine months back in 2002 Dr would take her out in public all the time although her face was plastered everywhere with hopes of finding her it’s a nine months why Dr would hide her appearance with the mass and in some instances he would add wigs and glasses didn’t foxy just say something about wearing goggles yet didn’t talk about you just say some about wearing goggles when I got was to prevent COBIT yeah by. Someone to old because you want somebody that can be there for a while in the arteries was no spring chicken so you Roberts was around that age because obviously they have to experience to so they can be to yes we’re looking at somebody like Cavanaugh or Roberts at times in their 40s is good be around for a few decades potentially but is not like a law school so say that the somebody would ask now I would say that a woman with the will be pitied Supreme Court justices he like to look at him I said as long as she got to go for content she’s in first player what the fuck you is channeling the whole was look like longer yes might my body and ask them know my gosh that the could that mean anything else than what with saying how he said a woman and he did like the Kirby hand like nobody you didn’t do it this way like you so if if two dudes are alike in the locker room together and in one dude like you this girl had you know like you know like it’s I like to think. The suspect he lived 11 and is in fair condition a rumor spread around Inglewood that the person shot was a child and a pistol was planning on him which was a lot protesters gathered and then attacked the police to police officers were injured the protesters continued to continue to protest continued into the night on white apron’ that stupid early this morning hundreds of writers the Senate on Michigan Avenue to get revenge for the shooting by breaking ion stores such as Nostradamus and Nike for justice there are reports this may continue the next couple of days if you have a business take necessary precautions if you’re not playing by any event the B looters are not claimed by any rules this also goes for anyone driving in the southside in downtown after dark there are chances you may be stopped and Rob or worse beat and stay safe let’s see if the density of the Mayor issues a tackle or of course the mayor did not issue tech alert and let it keep going on so criminal get shot by Cox protest the Rob people start writing looting intention up but babies get shot by Negroes
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